A Faletti Poetic Contribution

Today, my nephew Andrew Faletti, serves as the Literary Agent for his brother Stephen. In honor of National Poetry Month, Andy offers a poem Steve wrote one January afternoon in 1973, when Steve was a Freshman at Santa Clara University and Andy was in the 9th grade in Antioch, California. Take a look.
Andy writes: “The author (my brother Stephen Faletti) … decades ago submitted to me, as his “official” “agent,” some of his writings to be potentially published. I offered pieces to various poetry magazines and journals — surely hoping that my 15% of any awards would cover the postage and envelopes. ALAS: The poem is no less excellent for my failure to find a publisher.”
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Happiness Is Spring — By Stephen Faletti, written one afternoon in January
I strolled along the lively lane
the sun low in the sky;
Somehow I felt a hint of spring,
I’m sure I don’t know why.
It may have been the cool crisp air
Which carried to my ear
the ringing laughter of the kids
Who leapt from houses near;
Or maybe all the birds that chirped
And soared from tree to tree,
Or just the buzzing hum and sound
Of life’s activity.
Then suddenly I chanced to see,
A bit off to the right,
A bushy-tailed small gray squirrel;
It’s fur was shining bright.
I watched it as it skipped around;
It seemed to dance with glee.
And all its wondrous happiness
Became a part of me!
I finally decided to
Continue on my way;
As soon as I began to move
It scampered far away.
That little squirrel of fur so bright
Had made me glad to be;
It may have been the month of snow
But it was spring for me!
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Several of you contributed to National Poetry Month.
In case you missed them, here are links to five that have been posted before this one:
From Dorty: https://convivio-online.net/national-poetry-month-is-here-april-2019/
From Lauren: https://convivio-online.net/lauren-celebrates-national-poetry-month/
From Gretta: https://convivio-online.net/peek-a-boo-where-are-you/
From Steven: https://convivio-online.net/steve-peterson-celebrates-national-poetry-month/
From Janet: https://convivio-online.net/national-poetry-month-janets-favorites/
I loved this poem, thank you Steve and Andy!
My regards to the Faletti’s- played LL for Kelly Martin with Steven.