Did Anyone Else Get RAINBOWS?


Did Anyone Else Get RAINBOWS?
—  by Guest Writer Andy Faletti


And the Best thing about it?
The Pandemic could not do a Thing about it !
It had Not … One … Word …
to say about This…!

Download a PDF of this post:  ConVivio_Rainbows_Jan_2021

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Call me weird but I love Rainbows.
At 5:00 today, I (and our puppies Jack and Bobby)
just saw the most

The dogs like going for a ride.
So we happened to be driving down a big boulevard near us – on the wide curve
– next to nothing-but-fields of remaining open space East of Davis.
So the view was amazing.

Two Rainbow Legs on the South end – one a bit dimmer than the bold stark one –
– soared in a broadening arc, then lost their way above in the cloudy-dark sky.

I see a man taking pictures with his phone and realize I am not the only one who sees it.

Then the North end came into view, truncated, yet equally stark in hue.

So-o pretty – distinctive incredible color bands
“all the colors that you know…,”
don’t you know… : – )

And best … they went all the way to the ground – Right to where the pot of gold can be found
(not sure if the east end or west end has the fabled gold – the other surely has the leprechaun)

They usually do not touch the ground – this is only the second time I remember seeing that phenomenon.
Not even in Hawaii, when we have been struck by evanescent 5-minute evening-shower-rainbows…

To be completely accurate, I couldn’t see all the way to the ground, as
on the South end, there were some low white cloud wisps being stirred up.
Disturbed by the curving heavy boot of the rainbow,
as it dove and buried itself into the ground after its 180 degree journey from the North.

Families started coming out of their houses to view it, as it lasted at least 25 or 30 minutes.
(People perhaps were tipped off to it by neighbors posting on Nextdoor.com… ; – )

And cars going 50 mph both ways around the wide distended curve of the boulevard
were literally pulling over at the sight in order to (safely!) take in the view.


I had to make a U-Turn instead of going to the Park (sorry, Jack and Bobby)
to see it again ! Then needed to finally get out and look…

And the Best thing about it?

The Pandemic could not do a Thing about it !
It had Not … One … Word … to say about This…!

… OK, so Andy’s lost it…

But anyway, it was amazing!

A harbinger of good, I’d like to imagine.

Wishing you a Double Rainbow where you are, too! … maybe tomorrow…

Andy Faletti

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